The local jams are continuing and I really enjoy singing and playing with friends at the Carolina Meadows on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights of each month. The men’s choir, Vox Virorum in Durham, NC, had concerts in January and March, 2024. Our spring concert is in May. I continue to teach private lessons both virtual and in-person and some of my students have joined our local autoharp group, the Triangle Autoharp Circle, and the local jams. I have dabbled in songwriting in the past and have enjoyed some recent success in getting the tunes and lyrics down on paper. I would like to compose an instrumental tune for autoharp that I can use in my concerts…it would be wonderful to perform some of my own music.
In 2024, I was hired to teach and perform at the Sore Fingers Summer School for Old Time and Bluegrass Music in Chipping Norton, England, the Mountain Laurel Autoharp Gathering in Pennsylvania, and the Gateway Dulcimer Festival in Illinois. Read more about these in the “Festival and Competition” section.